Thursday, 5 April 2012

Day Nine

Breakfast: scrambled egg with double cream and fried onion.
Lunch: Cold roast chicken thigh, chopped avodaco, little gem lettuce, one stick celery, some roule (dipped).
Snack: another cold roast chicken thigh, a slice of ham.
Tea: minced beef fried with mushrooms, onions and fresh tomatoes, served on a bed of steamed red cabbage.

Today was a good day. I passed my exam this morning with a score of 92%. Yay!

And also... I measured my circumferences: Neck, wrists, waist, stomach, boobs, rib cage. The last time I measured them was eight days ago, and I have lost about 4cm in all areas. More in some others! Apart from my "waist". To be honest I didn't really understand why the IPD book recommended that you measure waist as well as stomach. Surely all fat people have the same problem as me: My waist IS my stomach. My stomach's fattest part is where my waist is supposed to be. I really do not have a waist. But anyway when I weighed myself last time I somehow managed to get two measurements, with the "waist" being the smaller one. This time I could only get one measurement, which was definitely the fattest part of my midriff, and was 6cm smaller than last week's "stomach", but a few cm fatter than last week's "waist". God knows. From now on I'm only taking one measurement. But aaaanyway...

Even my neck was smaller! The only thing that hadn't changed was my wrists. So I thought, well, why not? And I got the scales out. And...



..... (drum roll) .....



..... (another drum roll) .....


I've lost 5 lb! Hurrah for that, is all I can say.

But tonight, oh dear, I have massive sugar cravings. It's effectively Friday night, and I've had a doozey of a week what with studying every possible hour I could, and my instinct now, and in all circs like this, is to drink beer and eat chocolate.

What can I have as a treat? I'm tempted to scoff some whipped cream. (shame I can't add Baileys, but there you go...)

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